In 2013, the Middletown Garden Club (MGC) was approached by the (Middletown) Community Health Center (CHC) about managing a group of raised beds on the rooftop of their new building. We formed a committee chaired by Melissa Roberts, who was assisted by Jan Robertson, an experienced designer of community gardens, along with Laney Bank, Judy Schoonmaker, Jennifer Saines and Jane Harris. Ona McLaughlin and Joyce Powzyk contributed seedlings. Interns from CHC assisted in the process.
The CHC acted as a liaison between MGC and two groups from MARC Community Resources, Inc. Under the guidance of MGC and two counselors, approximately a dozen young adults with various developmental disorders planted, weeded, trained and harvested a huge assortment of vegetables and fruits. The key objectives were to teach MARC's consumers about both where food comes from, but also how to prepare and consume it. This second goal was met by having two dinners featuring our produce and working together to make pasta, sauces and salads. When more vegetables were produced than could be used by the group, the surplus was donated to Amazing Grace Pantry in Middletown.